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Why You Should Consider Pico Laser Treatment for Melasma, Wrinkles, Dark Spots and Acne Scars?

Micro Laser Therapy

A new type of laser skin treatment is taking the beauty world by storm. Pico laser treatment is very popular in Asian countries, especially Korea.

What is Pico Laser Treatment?

Picosecond laser, also known as picosecond laser, is a groundbreaking new non-surgical, non-invasive laser skin treatment that can treat a variety of cosmetic concerns and is safe for many different parts of the body.

Micro Laser Treatment:

  • sunburn
  • black dot
  • freckle
  • Pigmented lesions and scars
  • chloasma
  • stretch marks
  • acne scars
  • wrinkles and fine lines

In some cases, it can even be used to effectively remove unwanted tattoos. While lasers are most commonly used on the face, pico lasers have also been shown to be safe to use on the neck, chest, legs, arms, hands, back, and back.


This means there is finally a laser treatment to get rid of back acne scars and other embarrassing body acne scars permanently!


What Makes Pico Lasers So Unique?

Most lasers used for cosmetic treatments work in much the same way: The device sends waves of energy deep into the skin to promote healing and boost collagen production. However, pico laser treatment is a little different. This laser uses high energy instead of heat to destroy skin discoloration while boosting the production of elastin and collagen. When the body produces more of these proteins, it leads to firmer skin, improved skin texture, and smoother skin.


The laser gets its name from the time measurement “picosecond,” or trillionth of a second, because the laser delivers energy in ultrashort pulses.


Due to the speed of the energy pulses, pico laser treatment is considered one of the gentlest laser treatments on the market. It is also one of the fastest. You can go for an appointment like a manicure/pedicure and be out in half the time!


Micro laser

One benefit of not using heat in laser treatment is that the device does not damage the surrounding skin. This means your recovery period will be significantly shorter, and you’ll be able to put on makeup and go out in the sun right away without worrying about affecting your results.


The pico laser is also unique in that it is one of the few that has been shown to be safe and effective in treating all skin types and skin tones.


In the past, dark-skinned patients with melasma, acne or wrinkles had to opt for non-laser treatments such as chemical peels or radiofrequency microneedling. Previous versions of laser treatments can damage darker skin because heating to pigment-prone skin only causes inflammation and worsening of dark spots. Because microlaser treatment uses energy rather than heat to penetrate the skin, it won’t damage darker skin tones.

Benefits of Pico Laser Treatment

There are many types of cosmetic laser treatments, one of which is the fractional CO2 laser. CO2 lasers are specially designed for resurfacing and promote the body’s natural healing by causing a small amount of damage to the skin’s surface. While many patients are satisfied with their CO2 laser results, this treatment may be less than ideal for others due to discomfort and longer recovery times.


CO2 lasers require up to 1 week of downtime, 1-2 weeks of no makeup, no sun exposure and post-treatment redness, while pico lasers do not. Because this laser treatment doesn’t damage the surrounding skin, it has virtually no downtime, usually up to 1-2 days, reduces redness and swelling, and allows you to wear makeup in no time. Microlasers are also more uncomfortable than other laser treatments; in some cases, patients may not even need a topical anesthetic cream.


Answers to frequently asked questions about laser treatment

1. How many treatments will I need before seeing results?

The number of treatments will depend on your unique cosmetic concerns. The best way to estimate how many meetings you will need is to schedule a consultation. On average, most patients received 3 to 6 treatments; however, some patients saw their desired results after just one treatment. People with extensive cosmetic problems or wishing to treat large areas of the body may require up to 6 sessions.


It is recommended to schedule laser treatments at intervals of 2-4 weeks. This interval gives your skin time to fully recover; it also allows you to review your initial results and decide where you want to go from there. Out of an abundance of caution, patients with darker skin are advised to wait 4 to 8 weeks between treatments. This allows both you and your doctor to assess the success of the procedure and add to the needs of your unique and beautiful complexion.


The good news is that pico laser treatments are very fast and effective. The ultrafast burst of energy from the laser device is 1,000 times more powerful than other lasers. The procedure usually takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the area being treated. This takes less time than a perm.


2. Compared with other laser treatments, pico laser is considered more comfortable.

Most patients rated it as a 2 out of 10 on the pain scale. Others compare it to getting Botox. Of course, this depends on the area being treated and your pain tolerance. Certain areas of the body have more nerve endings, so the sensations there will be sharper. If you are concerned about discomfort, one option is to use a topical numbing cream. While most patients do not need anesthesia cream, our goal is to keep you comfortable. The laser feels a lot like a floppy rubber band. Either way, this isn’t the kind of program you need to cheer yourself up.


Most patients do not need topical numbing creams because the procedure ends too quickly.



3. What can I expect after surgery?

As with most laser treatments, you may experience some redness and swelling. For most patients, the redness makes them look slightly flushed, but the extent will depend on the intensity of the procedure and the area you are treating. Unlike other cosmetic procedures that require recovery time, there is no downtime for pico laser treatment.


You can return to work or school safely and immediately. The redness and swelling will subside quickly, usually within a few hours to a day or two.


While it’s technically safe to wear makeup and go out in the sun, it’s best not to do so. The risk of skin burns after pico treatment is minimal, but your skin will be happier if you don’t expose it to the more damaging UV rays. Makeup that uses certain fragrances and oils can clog pores and interfere with the skin’s healing process. That’s why it’s best to avoid foundation or powder. However, eye makeup, brow fillers, and lipstick will do.


For best results, you should avoid rubbing or scratching the treated area. Although tempting, this can irritate your skin and interfere with its healing process. Instead, it is recommended that you wash your face as gently as possible until the redness is gone. This means using a cold, oil-free cleanser and gently touching your face.


4. What are the potential side effects?

The most common side effect is lingering redness or swelling, but in most cases this rarely lasts more than 24 hours. One potential side effect is unwanted hyperpigmentation associated with acne scars. If this happens, the scar will appear slightly white during and after treatment, darken the next day, and fall off after 2 to 5 days. This side effect is harmless and not very common. Please contact your doctor if you have any concerns or feel excessive discomfort after surgery.

Post time: Sep-06-2022