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CoolSlimming Aftercare and Recovery Tips

CoolSlimming is a non-surgical fat loss treatment that works on the areas of the body with the most fat, including thighs, abdomen and buttocks. It uses cryolipolysis technology to freeze fat cells in targeted areas without damaging surrounding tissue.


A single session of CoolSlimming can reduce fat in the treated area by up to 25%. Additional treatment sessions are often required to achieve the final results. With a balanced diet and regular exercise, you can maintain the effects of CoolSlimming indefinitely.


While CoolSlimming does not require downtime, we encourage patients to apply certain aftercare techniques to ensure optimal results and minimize potential side effects.


Use this article as your checklist of essential CoolSlimming aftercare and recovery tips.


CoolSlimming Aftercare Tips

CoolSlimming Aftercare: 9 CoolSlimming Recovery Tips

1. The area after massage treatment

Massage the treatment area after CoolSlimming

Massage immediately after treatment can improve the effect of CoolSlimming. It helps break down frozen fat and encourages the lymphatic system to drain dead fat cells. For best results, continue massaging the treatment area several times a day for several days after the CoolSlimming treatment to promote the body’s waste removal process. Your CoolSlimming supplier will guide you on how to do it right.


2. Apply heat

Apply a warm compress to the treatment area after CoolSlimming

Heat compresses can be used for many conditions, including menstrual pain, muscle soreness, and muscle cramps. Apply a warm compress to the treated area after CoolSlimming to reduce pain and cramping. It will stimulate blood flow and circulation and help relieve discomfort.


3. Wear tights

Compression garments for CoolSlimming aftercare

If you experience discomfort or pain after CoolSlimming treatment, wearing a compression garment around the treatment area may reduce these side effects. Tight-fitting clothing promotes improved lymph and blood flow, accelerating recovery after CoolSlimming.


4. Wear comfortable clothes

Wear comfortable clothes after CoolSlimming

Swelling and soreness are common side effects of CoolSlimming. After treatment, your body will appreciate loose, soft clothing that ensures minimal pressure on the skin. Stay away from skinny jeans and other tight clothing that can exacerbate swelling, soreness, redness, and other uncomfortable feelings.


5. Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated after CoolSlimming

Drinking plenty of water can help maintain overall health. When it comes to CoolSlimming, a high water intake helps speed up the process of flushing out dead fat cells.


6. Avoid sugar, carbohydrates and processed foods

Avoid sugar and carbohydrates after CoolSlimming

Maintaining an optimal weight ensures the durability of the CoolSlimming effect. Avoid foods that cause weight gain, such as sugar, carbohydrates, fried and processed foods. Most of your diet should include vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and lean protein. If you gain weight, the remaining fat cells in your targeted CoolSlimming area will increase, negating the effect of the treatment.


7. Avoid alcohol

Avoid alcohol after CoolSlimming

Alcohol may increase the chance of bruising. CoolSlimming providers advise patients to avoid alcohol for the week before and one week after surgery.


8. Stay active

Stay active after CoolSlimming

Moving around and exercising is encouraged after CoolSlimming to increase circulation and speed up the body’s natural healing process. If you feel pain, discomfort, bruising, or swelling after treatment, do light exercise, such as walking and stretching. When the side effects subside, you can resume a more vigorous exercise program.


9. Take painkillers

Pain medication after CoolSlimming

CoolSlimming patients often experience discomfort rather than pain. However, if your pain threshold is lower than average, ask your healthcare provider to recommend a safe pain reliever based on your medical records. Most CoolSlimming patients who need pain medication use over-the-counter medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. They also help with inflammation.



CoolSlimming is a safe, non-invasive cellulite removal treatment that provides impressive and long-lasting results. Follow our CoolSlimming aftercare and recovery tips to make sure you get the most out of the program.

Post time: Aug-19-2022