It stimulates deeper and wider pelvic floor muscles and nerves that lead to regained control over pelvic floor muscles and bladder.
Make your own personalized treatment plan based on clinical needs. With ergonomic benefits, the slide-out technology will reduce the risk of overreaching–there when you need it, concealed when you don’t.
While fully clothed, women sit on the UMSELLA™ chair for about 30 minutes. This highly efficient, non-stop treatment lasts for 72 hours. The procedure is simple, non-surgical, medication-free, and completely non-invasive. During the session, you will experience tingling and pelvic floor muscle contractions. You can resume your daily activities immediately after the treatment.
You may notice improvement after just one session, with results continuing to enhance over the following weeks. Scientific research shows that 95% of treated patients reported significant improvements in their quality of life.
UMSELLA™ is a great option for women of any age who desire solution for urinary incontinence and improvement in their quality of life.
A revolutionary technology for women’s private health.